-MOST WANTED CRIMINALS IN CANADA- $10,000,000 Reward for Murderers&Criminal RCMP'S: -THE MOST WANTED CRIMINALS IN CANADA-The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Use Direct Energy Weapons to Torture and Kill People. The Canadian Government, Newspapers and Lawyers. Do not care about the RCMP, the modern day Nazi's. Who are Torturing and Killing people all over the world with their depraved and illegal technology. The RCMP have brought shame and destruction to Canada and to the Canadian People.
-MOST WANTED CRIMINALS IN CANADA- $10,000,000 Reward for Murderers&Criminal RCMP'S: -THE MOST WANTED CRIMINALS IN CANADA-The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Use Direct Energy Weapons to Torture and Kill People. The Canadian Government, Newspapers and Lawyers. Do not care about the RCMP, the modern day Nazi's. Who are Torturing and Killing people all over the world with their depraved and illegal technology. The RCMP have brought shame and destruction to Canada and to the Canadian People.
From Marika Bandera
Hi Jonathan, thank you so much for your reply and mainly for your advice .
I am a former College Accounting Teacher and Financial Analyst. I am not some "religious xyz, so you don't have to worry about me , although I truly appreciate you laying it out here as to what it of "essence."
I became a TI, in retribution for my part as a President of Ratepayers Association in my residential neighbourhood community for taking the city and the provincial governments' to court here in Toronto, Ontario . I was the Acting Legal Counsel, drawn up the charges, collected 1,500 pages of "more tha sufficient ful proff evidence " hired 2 experts' and a Legal Counsel to put the case together, and was representing our community of ratepayers' right untill to the end of the case.
It was an exhausting experience which did not allow for emotions to run, but straight facts of hard core evidence! As I understand it, you would like to have a "full blown Royal Inquiry ", although I hope you do realize that inqiury does not finds no one guilty, nor will charge anyone since it is not designed to do so. It is design only to make " recomendations " of it's findings and no legal recourse whatsoever! Also recomendations, may be put on shelf to collect dust , as you may know , which is not what we need nor want . I followed very closely the whole Polish immigrant Dziekanski murder case by the RCMP and the cover up case. To this day the RCMP officers' involved received a slap on the wrist,that's all.
I to do believe, that you get more with a honey, than vinegar but If I may add, not to kiss ass! Because as I found out, the moment the opposing parties notice that you are "willing to compromise and or negotiate, your case is in trouble ! I have seen it when the other home-owners" -taxpayers association president negotiated, at the end she lost the whole case which left her community in devastating situation as well financialy ruined for being liable for the court costs' which she was forced to pay for out of her own pocket , once her community learned that she gave in, they were unwilling to further finnance their legal case ! I have consulted several best lawyers in Toronto, from Human Rights - Clayton Ruby, to criminal lawyer Joe Sapiano, or Charter of Rights' and Freedoms Allan Young, maybe you have heard of them ?
Each had an advise that I should leave Canada for my safety. Unfortunately, they didn't take into consideration the fact which I stressed tha I am married, and will not throw away my years of marriage because of this ! Enough said. So this is where I come from on this issue . I like your ideal but, we will need to take our case to Haige International Human Rights' Court as I found out . I will explain and send you information about the reasoning behind my ideal in a little while later .
Thank you for your valuable time and kind consideration in this matter .
Love & Blessing.
Marika Bandera, Thank you so much Jonathan !
I did received your e-mail with your cell phone number and included information.
PS. lately, ever since the Bioethics Commissions' Hearings, many of us having being hacked into our computers' by surveilance cops, no doubt about it and we too are having problems with viruses etc.. Sorry to hear that you to ! It is apparent that our groups/organizations have been infiltrated by " cops" no doubt about that ! Will talk to you ... :) Have a great day, make the best of it , my friend !
Take " good care" Jonathan
Marika Bandera June 9
Marika Bandera TI in Toronto..
Hi Jonathan, I am a TI/EH for the past 12 1/2 years.
I thank you so much for sending this message regarding you filling law suit and having an opportunity to add to your case .
I became a TI, for taking the city of Toronto and province to court and vinning the case on behalf of my former residential neigbourhood community.
In retribution, I was handed over to the Toronto police CIB - Criminal Investigation Bureau and the MCU - Major Crime Unit known to make a use of torture, mainly by request to do this to me by 2 politicians and with a full knowledge and approval of former police chief of the city!
Ever since theses tortures, my health have been severely compromised including the fact that they used on me " gamma rays radiation, induced cancer and 2 years I had to undergo surgery. Altough afterwards my surgery I was getting better and showed clear of cancer, the police continue to use on me " microwaves radiation and L-RAD - Long Range Acoustic Device causing me severe neurological disability with my motor skills of my whole body, vissible damage to my limbs . I just wanted you to know the jest of it?
Jonathan Ross June 9
Thank you Marika! A statement of claim is your personal account of how,when,where and why. Who you believe is the defendant responsible for you being targeted and causing your suffering. How your life is being handicapped and impaired from your normal everyday life. The courts are barely familiar with our language of MK-Ultra,Y2-K, Medusa Tech and Mind Control Technologies. Keep your written testimony to no more than 3 pages and do not drift into speculation. Stick to the facts about what you know and imagine a normal person with no knowledge of t.i.'s is reading your statement for the first time after they read the written transcripts and watch the video's from the Presidential Committee Hearings. The courts are just becoming aware of the technology targeting individuals. Do not have flights of fancy and talk about Perps,God,Aliens,the Bible or Karma. You are a good person who happened to fall prey to a nightmare of technology impairing and tormenting you normal life. The technology used on you is a human rights violation under the laws of civilized countries. I am hoping to instigate a Commissioners Inquiry, just like the Braidwood Inquiry in British Columbia. Canada can become the leader in such a Human Rights Inquiry or continue to have it's head in the sand. Google the Braidwood Inquiry and the taser death of Robert the Polish Immigrant at Vancouver Airport. The Taser is a Direct Energy Weapon. Remember you get more with honey,than you do vinegar.
Direct Energy Weapons are a Human Rights Violation. Our e-mail is, humanrightsinvestigations@gmail.com
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
-MOST WANTED CRIMINALS IN CANADA- $3,000,000 Reward for Murderers&Criminal RCMP'S: -THE MOST WANTED CRIMINALS IN CANADA-The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Use Direct Energy Weapons to Torture and Kill People. The Canadian Government, Newspapers and Lawyers. Do not care about the RCMP, the modern day Nazi's. Who are Torturing and Killing people all over the world with their depraved and illegal technology. The RCMP have brought shame and destruction to Canada and to the Canadian People.
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Direct Energy Weapons Torture and Kill People
- Direct Energy Weapons Torture and Kill People
- United States
- All enquiries in strict confidence to my e-mail, humanrightsinvestigations@gmail.com
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